小兆 发表于 2013-6-27 20:48 static/image/common/back.gif
其实女王和炮姐是很像的。两位都是怕寂寞,可能是这样的原因,所以她们才会从一开始就互相吸引着对方,妒忌 ...
In fact....
NO.2 is at the central line. He is not died.....
Accelerator and Mikoto is at the front line.
The other LV5 is at the backward line.
I agree with you that Mikoto is really similar to Misaki, on some aspects, such as fearing loneliness when they are at the peak of the city.
Maybe the reason they attract each other is that they have the same feelings and the close genius.
However, this may be their drawbacks sometimes.
Mikoto x Misaki??
I may love this couple, but most of the time, I am fond of Mikoto x Kuroko...{:4_378:}
Thanks for your response and supports.