第7章 无标题

更新时间:2014-10-29 12:04


Once under the covers, Alphard gently pulled the girl, who was as cold as a piece of ice, into a soft embrace. Canaan's body seemed to welcome the gesture, seeing how she slowly uncurled and pressed herself further into the source of warmth that was her girlfriend, yet without waking up. Carefully, Alphard removed the little pillow the synesthete was holding and as soon as she did, Canaan literally snuggled into her, pressing their torsos together and her face into the area right above the other woman's chest while one of her hands rested on Alphard's stomach as the other sneaked up to her upper back, gripping the firm muscles there.


Her concerned expression returning to her face, the gray-eyed woman started to wonder what the other one might dream about. Seeing how she seemed to literally cling to Alphard as if she was trying to hide from something, it couldn't be a nice dream. Whatever it was, Alphard decided that if Canaan needed the closeness for comfort, she wouldn't push her away. And so, Alphard gently hooked one of her arms around Canaan's waist, the other one behind her neck before she began to softly comb through the strands of white hair. A few moments later, she pressed a soft kiss to the synesthete's forehead before she put her chin on Canaan's head and closed her eyes again.


Once again, she found herself engulfed in darkness. But this time she had decided she wouldn't run. She wouldn't run again just to suddenly fall again into whatever was beneath this blackness, no. She would just stay there. Stay right there, curled up into a tiny ball lying on the ground, and wait until everything was over. After all, there was nothing there in this darkness, right? So nothing could just suddenly pop up and attack her or something. But this was exactly what happened. Something suddenly popped up, causing Canaan to jump up in surprise. But it wasn't dangerous. The thing, that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, was a tiny, really very tiny, snow white flame, probably only half the size of Canaan's pinky finger. She couldn't explain where this flame suddenly came from, but all of a sudden, she could feel a comfortable, soothing warmth oozing from this tiny flame and flowing through her whole body. A type of warmth, which she knew very well by now. Canaan smiled softly when she realized what this was. Not afraid anymore, she lay down next to the flame and watched if for a few moments, the smile never fading, before she allowed herself to close her eyes and rest, feeling completely protected and safe.


Nightmare - The End


之前考虑过也许本文涉及或暗示了一点轻度的PTSD(Post-traumatic stress disorder, 创伤后心理压力综合症,有几个版本不一的译名),不过证据不足这里还是不猜了~





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