第1章 [Bumbleby] 極短二則

更新时间:2017-01-22 01:22


本帖最后由 林曜 于 2017-2-12 23:48 编辑


貓耳被撫弄的抖動了一下,過於舒適的觸感讓她忍不住想打起呵欠來。「You just like them so much, don't you?」

在耳尖摩娑的手滑落臉龐,輕輕捏起她的下巴。「No, I like you, Ms Belladonna.」

Blake似乎早已習慣了這人肆無忌憚的小動作,她象徵性的親吻了Yang的指節,安慰似的將她的手掌貼在自己臉上。「Let me finish this chapter.」

「What if I say no?」不聽話的人抽出被貓兒握住的手,繼續沿著腰背的優美曲綫向下滑動。

「A fighter will need self-control.」

「A fighter will need perseverance.」所向披靡的戰士此時的語調頗爲輕佻。


「Hey, kitten-」不等發出正式的抗議,雙手就被迅疾的戰術動作制伏,牢牢的置於捆縛之中。「Ow…hey!」額頭接著被賞一記,Yang有些哀怨的望向自家戀人,後者若無其事的繼續埋首閲讀,衹是嘴角挂著幾不可見的弧度。


她回過頭,作惡的人臉上挂著得逞的笑。「Ain't you gonna praise me for I have the quality of a great fighter?」

Blake終于闔上書本,攬過那人的頸項,融金的琥珀直視氤氳的丁香。「You'll get your prize.」

「After you make me come…」睡袍束帶被主動丟棄在地上,溫香軟玉貼近緊實的身軀,耳邊的吐息讓室内的空氣升溫。

「…With your mouth. Or you'll know the punishment for the disrupting.」


Yang揚起笑容。「Then you'll see.」



比如現在,她無法解釋自家小貓爲什麽從她一進門就纏著自己的手臂,還發出舒服的呼嚕聲。「You drunk, Blake?」

「Blake-y-」小貓不滿的糾正她,又把手臂纏的更緊些。「Yang, you're so late.」

Yang眨了眨眼,大腦經過兩秒的急速運轉,她一把將Blake抱了起來。「You're drunk.」

「No I'm not.」她扯著她的領巾,開始親她的臉。「You've been away for a week.」

「I know, and I miss you,」Yang給了她一個大大的笑容,隨後吻了她,輕輕的把她放在沙發上。「I won't be able to change if you don't let go.」

意料之外的力道壓了上來,她雙肩一沉,眨眼的工夫就被壓在身下。「You don't have to.」



「- Catnip? Wait- 」


Yang好笑又好氣的捧起戀人的臉龐,「You've stolen the catnip while I was leaving?」

「'Cause I miss you.」無辜的琥珀閃著彌濛的水光,Yang一瞬間甚至忘記了呼吸;與此同時下半身突然的刺激,讓她漏出一聲毫無防備的喘息。

「… At least let me take a shower?」

「No need…」她的吻落在左胸,隨後急轉直下,點過她的肚臍和結實的腹部。在Yang用手臂遮住眼睛,任她除去身上的衣物之前,她聽到,

「Catnip is an excuse - It's your pheromone that turns me so on.」


The Faunus was awake at five precisely.

It was her habit that developed when she was at the White Fang, which made her be used to wake up early and always keep her sanity, being prepared for the potential enemies.

Though she was in Beacon now, and she was safe here, with the embrace of her partner.

Her partner. She smiled and looked at the girl who was still in her dreams hypnotizedly.

She was sleeping with lightly snorting and drooling, the strong arms circling around the Faunus made a comfortable spoon for her. The golden mane was messing up than usual, she tried to reach out and untangle that hair, with a thumb lightly caressing her cheek.

The black velvet sky was still being drunk; their small room was filled with little light. Though the Faunus could outline the profile of her partner in the dimness. Her delicate features, jawline, pale neck, collarbone… and the strong torso covered with the sheet.

Her fingers moved to her stomach, felt the faint shape of her abs. They were toned, yet flexible, and easy for touching. She always adored this body of a warrior. Both are they warriors though, Blake would never have a build-up like this. She admired the strength of the brawler, the hands covered with thick calluses which are not only at the palms but the knuckles made her shiver under Yang's stroke, and the inevitable scars which were too deep to be healed by the aura usually caused by herself-tortuous semblance scratching through her body here and there. Every time when they had their private moment, she just couldn't help to kiss those scars which were undoubtedly attractive to her, earning herself a groan and mesmerized look from her lover. She was no longer a little girl staying to wait for rescue a long time ago, still would enjoy the sense of security brought by her partner.

Obviously the blonde was wakened by the tickling of her kitty cat. "Morning, Sheila." She whispered in a slightly hoarse voice. "Morning, my little lioness." Blake smiled again, turned to give a gentle morning kiss onto her forehead. The blonde leaned and bit her lower lip, "Wanna be my breakfast in bed?"

The dark-haired girl chuckled. "Weiss and your sister are sleeping."

"Right. Why shall we not continue our sleep too?" The arms around her tightened, made the Faunus snuggle closer to her.

"Yeah, lazy butt." She found herself a more comfortable position and closed the eyes once again before returning to her dreamland.




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