













Ray-Jyz 在 2015/10/07 16:15 发表


尘染裳 在 2015/03/31 21:08 发表


165449818 在 2015/02/22 00:22 发表

大大們,新年快樂yamiboqe029 話說偶的翻譯水平差到負數yamiboqe029

xjy 在 2014/03/24 23:38 发表

听着Broken和Cry On My Shoulder看完了全篇,果然晚上泪点就是低,可不可以不要这么这么虐啊{:4_360:}

哀之影flora 在 2014/03/20 20:49 发表

Will还是老老实实的当老公啊,这篇的主题就是what if 也就是说覆水难收啊 EJ是无法改变现状的
放心 我的护照是深红色的而且国籍是PRC

haribara 在 2014/03/20 20:20 发表


[quote][color=#999999]哀之影flora 发表于 2014-3-20 14:01[/color]
[color=#999999]好久前就答应的broken的英文后续 不过因为熊最近工作调动忙的一直完成 投注了许多感情在写 虽然不知道有几个 ...[/color][/quote]


陌桐MT 在 2014/03/20 17:50 发表

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]哀之影flora 发表于 2014-3-20 14:01[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=37697931&ptid=188544][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
好久前就答应的broken的英文后续 不过因为熊最近工作调动忙的一直完成 投注了许多感情在写 虽然不知道有几个 ...[/quote]

Despite of all the pain and sorrow, they made her who she is and lead her to meet JJ, in a way she does not regret any of them.

It’s killing her to admit it but she will do anything for JJ’s best interests.




哀之影flora 在 2014/03/20 14:01 发表

本帖最后由 哀之影flora 于 2014-3-20 15:43 编辑

好久前就答应的broken的英文后续 不过因为熊最近工作调动忙的一直完成 投注了许多感情在写 虽然不知道有几个人能够耐心的看下来 不过写出来的东西总是要对得起自己 不然自己那关都过不了 强烈推荐各位有兴趣看下去的读者一边听Lifehouse的Broken一边看

What if is the saddest thing to say

I’ve always heard every ending is a beginning and we just don’t know it at the time. I’d like to believe that’s true.
————Emily Prentiss

The moment Emily Prentiss sent the message to JJ she regrets it. It takes two sides in every story and it takes two to blame. Both their decisions and actions made theirs down to this road. To be exactly is their decisions and actions of denying and pretending. They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but it’s so not true in her case. She overcame death and Doyle, yet she lost the battle of the love of her life long time ago. She just never has the gut to admit that she is too cowardly to tell the blonde how she feels about her. After being accepted and saved by her beloved friends, her true family, Emily finally believes that she deserves happiness and the ones who truly love you will always do no matter what dark sides they find out about you.

It doesn’t take her profiling abilities to know that all of her insecure and lack of emotions are due to her rough childhood. She knows that she’s not the little girl who always seeks acknowledgment from mother any more, but the feeling of not good enough of anything never fade. Emily may not have a photographic memory like Reid; still hers is good enough to remember every detail since she met the blonde in Hotch’s office. The way JJ always smile to her, the way she takes care of her every time after she got hurt in the field, and the way she comforts her when the cases get too bad. The woman is just unbelievable perfect. She’s the best thing ever happen to her. The more she knows about Jennifer Jareau, the more Emily Prentiss feels the blonde deserve someone way better than herself.

Since they have been working in the BAU, they both through a lot. This job is difficult in many ways and it’s even harder in psychological. They’ve been both shoot at, wounded and traumatized so many times. Yet it is a whole different story for Emily. She’s been looking into the dark for a long time, maybe too long. The time she worked for the CIA and the Interpol always hunts her.

Pour herself another glass of single-malt Scotch, our brunette turns on her IPOD, and Lifehouse’s Broken is on air. She always likes the song, not only because the lyrics remind her of JJ, but also because the lead vocalist’s similar childhood experience like hers. There are things in her life she wishes could be turned out differently. She wishes mother was not an Ambassador and she could love her like other normal mothers to their children. She wishes never had the abortion and she could be the mom her unborn child deserves. She wishes never did the undercover assignment for Interpol and Ian Doyle was just another stranger on the planet. Despite of all the pain and sorrow, they made her who she is and lead her to meet JJ, in a way she does not regret any of them.

She remembers what Rossi told Hotch on the jet after the case involves the love of his life: what are you gonna do to make sure you are not a lonely guy wondering why you let the purest thing in your life get away. She could not help herself to wondering what if she never pushed JJ to admit her relationship with Will and told the blonde how she felt. Could she stand a chance? And then she remembers the look on JJ’s face after she saved Will from being blown up, she knows the answer already. Her thoughts were interrupted by the message ring-tone, and it’s from JJ.
Em, I know I mess up big time and I deserve all of your anger, but please don’t turn your back on me; just don’t walk away from my life by sending a text!

JJ is lying on the hospital bed. The doctors asked her to stay overnight for precaution, and they only gave her permission to go out with the team because she signed AMA. There are too many things on her mind right now; she can’t even begin to process any of them. And having Emily flew all the way across the Atlantic to save her really complicated the situation even more. It’s hard to explain things between her and Emily. The spark and the feelings were always there before Will was even in the picture, but neither of them made the move. It’s nobody’s fault. They are adults with baggage and issues, they are best friends and above all these they are coworkers. There are rules and regulations and being in the same sex isn’t exactly helping the situation.

JJ would never forget Emily’s word after they closed Will’s partner’s case, so she took the lead and chose the easier way to live. She started a relationship with Will, not longer after that, her little angel comes into her life. All of these made her believe that her feeling for Emily was friendship and she was just confused before. Yet life has its own funny way to reveal the truth no matter you like it or not.

When she heard that Emily told Morgan to let her go in that basement, she felt uncontrollable anger: Emily gave up, just like her sister! Then the realization of she might lose Emily like she lost her sister for good hit her hard, the only thought on her mind was she never get the chance to tell Emily how much the brunette means to her. Faking Emily’s death and going behind the team with Hotch isn’t the hardest part, knowing she’s out there totally alone not sure when or whether she can come back is. The last three years were really hard for the whole team; almost all of them lost someone they love most. JJ just let life itself take control, after her time in the State Department, she lost too much to risk anything else.

Emily seemed to know her choice even before herself, she saved Will, the father of her son. On the wedding, JJ could feel something was going on with Emily, it felt like she was saying goodbye with those hazel eyes when they shared a dance. When Emily told her she’s leaving in her office the next day, JJ just sat there eyes on Emily for nearly a minute without a single word. Emily began to worry that JJ was in some kind of broke down.

“Is it because of m…?” Emily stopped her before she could finish the sentence. “No, JJ. Don’t go there. I made the decision because I can’t go on with my life just like nothing happened, the whole Doyle thing is too hard to compartment even for me. You are happily married to the father of your son, and it’s all I ever want you to have, a happy life.” The words sound like a close friend’s, but the way she said it, JJ knew it’s more than that.

Even though Emily moved to London, the blonde ex-media liaison knows she can always count on her. The bond between her and Emily after Boston became deeper; they share something nobody else does. After all these years, JJ knows Emily trust the team with her life, but she also knows that the brunette kept a lot of things to herself. When she was tortured by Hastings, all she could think about is Henry. What if she can’t make it? What would it like for Henry? Her little Henry is always a mama’s boy, JJ knew she need to fight for him, she needed to survive these tortures until her team find her. Emily, I knew you’ll find me, just get here in time. That’s all she could think of when she hallucinated by the drugs they injected to her.

She knows she is being selfish, she has a happy family, a cute little boy but some nights a certain brunette just pop into her head, there is no way she will admit to anyone in the world, Emily Prentiss owns her heart! She lost the right to have a relationship with her a long time ago when Will showed up telling them she is pregnant, but she still has her friendship. The text makes she feel like she will lose Emily as a friend, the brunette may walk away her life for good. Her cell is ringing, she begins to panic when she sees the caller ID.

“Jayje, it’s me. ” Emily tries to break the silence, still no response.

“Sweetie, talk to me, I’m not mad at you and you know I’ll never walk away like that.” Emily realizes JJ misunderstood her message, and she’s trying to ease the panic.

“Em, I’m sorry for everything. I know I deserve all your anger and I don’t have the right to ask you anything, I just ... ” JJ’s voice sounds so weak and fragile, just like Henry when he got himself into trouble. With that Emily could forgive the blonde for everything.

“Jen, you remember this song?” Emily turn up the volume.

“Yeah, of course. It’s your favorite.” JJ could never forget the way Emily looks like whenever she is listening the song, it’s like the song is part of Emily. There is something in her eyes that JJ just too afraid to guess.

“Do you know why it’s my favorite? Because it reminds me of you, I never told you for the obvious reason. You are the reason I’m still alive, I wanted to give up at that basement, but at the table I couldn’t, I cannot let go a life with you in it, no matter what I’m to you!”

And I am here still waiting
Though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best
Like you've already figured out
I'm falling apart
I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart
That's still beating
In the pain
There is healing
In your name
I find meaning
So I'm holding on (I'm holding on)(I'm holding on)
I'm barely holding on to you

They both keep quiet and listen to the song, with what Emily just said, JJ can’t believe that, it’s her way to tell the blonde she loves her.

“I was never gonna tell you, but I can’t let you lose faith on me. I will always be your rock whenever you need.” Emily said it like a vow.

“Emliy, I, I don’t deserve your feeling, your, your love. You are suppose to mad at me, that’s what I deserve.” The sudden confession makes JJ sobbing and rambling.

“Jayje, please don’t cry, I can take anything but you cry. You and the BAU are the best things that ever happens to me. It’s not anger but sadness. I’m just feel sad that you feel like you have to hide something from me. I’m the Queen of secrecy, it’s suppose to be my privilege, you know.” Emily tries to light up the mood.

“Yeah, well, you are right about that, but we are know I’m a fast learner.” JJ let out a little chuckle.“I’m sorry for hiding it from you, it’s just too painful and lying in a hospital bed just reminds me every single second of it.”

“Sweetie, I don’t mean to push you, trust me I know the feeling, just promise me when you are ready, talk to Garcia or Rossi. ” Emily wants to tell the blonde to talk to herself, but she’s afraid the issue is related to Will. If so, she may not be at her best judgment.

“Can I call you if I want to talk, I know it’s a lot to ask after what you tell me.” JJ feels like a ungraceful bitch, with all the compassion and understanding Emily gives her, she’s asking more.

“Jayje, I told you what I feel about you because I can’t let you think I will walk away again, I won’t do that to you. I’m not asking you to give up anything. What‘s done is done, it’s how life works. I’m your best friend and Henry’s Aunt Emily, I won’t change any of it for the world, you hear me, Jennifer? ” It’s killing her to admit it but she will do anything for JJ’s best interests.

“I hear you, I promise to call you.” JJ is touched by Emily’s words, the brunette has always been a rock for her even if it means to hurt herself. JJ knows how much courage to take to say something like that. She will always owe Emily her heart.

“Good, it’s a date! My flight is ready, I gotta go. Try to get some sleep, your body needs it to heal, Jennifer.” Emily put the seatbelt on.

“OK, I’ll try. Have a safe one, Em. Thank you for saving me.”
They both hang up the phone, look into the dark through the window, the rhyme of Broken wandering in their heads makes them wonder what if ...

There are things we don't want to happen but have to accept; things we don't want to know but have to learn; and people we can't live without but have to let go.
———— Jennifer Jareau

haribara 在 2014/02/25 11:05 发表


三楼the abyss下面更新哀之影写的对应短篇,欢迎前去观看~

陌桐MT 在 2014/02/16 18:45 发表

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]haribara 发表于 2014-2-16 16:06[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=37666750&ptid=188544][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
矮油你的脑补好带感 被你这么一说我也觉得好虐了啊
尤其Emily跟JJ玩着玩着,JJ说哎呀Will回来了 ...[/quote]

嘛,这两个家伙的戏码就不可能不虐啊T T

haribara 在 2014/02/16 16:06 发表


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]陌桐MT 发表于 2014-2-15 19:16[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=37665802&ptid=188544][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
没错当EMILY感到寂寞 ...[/quote]

矮油你的脑补好带感{:4_351:} 被你这么一说我也觉得好虐了啊
哎呀这怎么变得这么虐了{:4_336:} 这不是原剧本啊!

陌桐MT 在 2014/02/15 19:16 发表

没错当EMILY感到寂寞的时候美国的“cheeto breath”可以陪伴……
糟糕又被自己的脑洞搞得超抑郁了{:4_353:} ……

haribara 在 2014/02/14 22:40 发表


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]triela66 发表于 2014-2-14 19:44[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=37664574&ptid=188544][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]

E姐是自己为了自己的事业主动离开,我们也没法挽留啊- -....她没事跑来串串门还算好的吧

triela66 在 2014/02/14 19:44 发表


陌桐MT 在 2014/02/14 18:48 发表

[i=s] 本帖最后由 陌桐MT 于 2014-2-15 19:10 编辑 [/i]


haribara 在 2014/02/11 21:05 发表


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]陌桐MT 发表于 2014-2-11 17:40[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=37660818&ptid=188544][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
就像“君生我未生, ...[/quote]

快来让LZ虎抱{:4_348:} 或者直接让我来推倒也行(你快够{:4_350:}

陌桐MT 在 2014/02/11 17:40 发表

[quote][size=2][color=#999999]haribara 发表于 2014-2-11 17:32[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=37660811&ptid=188544][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
不 ...[/quote]


虎摸没有用 求抱抱啊T T

haribara 在 2014/02/11 17:32 发表


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]陌桐MT 发表于 2014-2-11 16:28[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=37660752&ptid=188544][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
特别是200集啊啊啊! ...[/quote]


陌桐MT 在 2014/02/11 16:28 发表


haribara 在 2014/02/11 13:00 发表


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]无夏 发表于 2014-2-11 12:13[/color] [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=37660575&ptid=188544][img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]


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