本帖最后由 饺子踮脚望孤山 于 2014-10-29 12:22 编辑
Okay, here we go. My first ff. Well, the first one I publish, not the first one I wrote XD Canaan x Alphard 'cause I freakin loooooooove this pairing! *_*
I'm dedicating this one to Forks'n'Spoons, who wrote the absolutely amazing CAxAL fics "Casual Couple's Talk" and "Predator". I was totally a fan of those and when I wanted to send her a pm the other day and ask why she hasn't updated for so long, I read on her profile that she died. I didn't know her in real life and I never talked to her, but I totally loved her works and so I wanna dedicate this little fic to her as an admiring fan. And my condolences to her friends and family. May she rest in peace.
谨以此文献给Forks'n'Spoons,她是两篇阿迦萌文"Casual Couple's Talk" 和"Predator"的作者。我完全是她的粉了,可是就在想要给她发站内信询问为何长时间没有更新时,我在资料页发现她已经去世的消息。现实生活中我们并不认识也没有交谈过,我只是被她的文字打动,所以作为忠实粉我希望能把这篇短文献给她,也向她的亲人朋友一表悼念。愿她安息。
This is a fanfiction, so guess what? I don't own anything.
Story contains light girl x girl content. Don't like? As if I care.
Enjoy reading
声明:《CANAAN》背景设定与人物原案属于TYPE-MOON和428游戏制作团队,TV版改编权属于PA Works,本故事属于作者君,如在译文有任何问题或想法请圈我。