第3章 无标题

更新时间:2014-10-29 09:25


本帖最后由 饺子踮脚望孤山 于 2014-10-29 10:32 编辑


It was black. That was all she saw. Complete and utter darkness. Above her: black. Below her: black. To her left and to her right: black. No matter where she looked, it was dark. She was trapped in a completely empty, dark room. She couldn't even tell if it even was a room, seeing how she couldn't see anything. Not even her synesthesia could detect something other than blackness. What she did know was, that there seemed to be a ground. She stood on something solid, although she couldn't see what it was. But she didn't care. Standing on solid ground meant that she could try to move, so she took a step forward. Carefully she set her foot to the...ground. Another careful step...more ground. And that was it. With her fear slowly starting to consume her, she didn't think twice and started running, pushing herself into a full sprint through the gaping darkness, trying to escape from it. However, soon she had to realize that it was in vain. She ran and ran and ran, panting, pushing, sweating, tripping over her own feet, but the darkness just wouldn't end. And suddenly, from one step to another, the ground under her was gone, and she found herself falling into nothingness, screaming in panic as she did...


From one second to another, Canaan's glowing red eyes shot open and she was immediately greeted by a blur of dark gray, the dark tone coming from the lack of light in the room, the gray color from her synesthesia, which detected a bunch of lifeless objects in the near surroundings. With her heart hammering against her ribs and her breathing at least twice as fast as usual, she slowly sat up in the bed and deactivated her synesthesia, which, she figured, she had once again subconsciously triggered in her sleep. A drop of cold sweat ran down the side of her tan face and she wiped it away with her fingertips before slowly pushing the sheets from her and getting up. The synesthete opened and closed the door of the bedroom as quietly as possible as to not wake up her lover, who was still sleeping peacefully, before she walked into the bathroom, dressed in nothing but a pair of red panties and an oversized, black t-shirt, which was now drenched in her sweat.





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